Everybody needs good neighbours, yes? Ours are pretty good. They keep their yard clean, haven’t undertaken messy renovations and play their music at a normal volume. But here’s the thing – I never speak to them. I’ve lived in our house 4 years now and the only reason I know their names is because C told me.
I’m just not an overly-friendly person I guess. Sure, I’ll wave if I see them pulling in the driveway, but it really highlights to me just how stand-offish I must be when C’s mother visits. She never fails to speak with either of the neighbours within a day of arriving. I don’t know what she does – sometimes I’m convinced she hollers over the back fence at them. But then again, this is a woman who is so chatty, she will tell supermarket cashiers and strangers she’s in line with her most personal stories.
A few days ago she asked me if our right-hand side neighbours had gone on their cruise yet. Not only could I not tell her if they were AWAY ON HOLIDAYS, I didn’t even know they were going on a cruise. Goes to show what a little bubble I live in.
But at the end of the day, I don’t talk to our neighbours because a) I’m always working b) when I am home I’m doing housework or chilling out, and c) I don’t really care about them. Sad to admit, but brutally honest. I don’t care what their dog’s name is, or when they are going on a cruise, or when their daughter is fighting with her boyfriend.
Are you friendly with your neighbours?
I am the same with our neighbours. I know what they look like and have had the occasional conversation, but nothing like my parents are with their neighbours. Sign of the times I think!!!