I'm struggling with the weather here in Brisbane right now. I don't want to whine, but I miss summer already. I feel like I did not swim in my pool nearly enough!
I've decided to have a no-spend weekend so I'm sitting here at home indulging myself in things I want to do, and interspersing those with things I really don't want to do, but should (ie. housework).
If it's raining where you are, here are some ideas for things to get up to at home over the weekend:
* Make soup. Perfect soup weather, wouldn't you say? Then eat two bowls with toast or crusty bread slathered in butter.
* Bake that box of cupcakes or muffins that been in your pantry for weeks. I know my mixer Betty would thank me for dusting her off and giving her a whirl as she's been idle for a while. Live-tweet and instagram it.
* De-clutter. Yes, it's probably a chore but if you choose one small
area (say the corner of the office where all the junk gets dumped) you
can complete it in a short time and get a feeling of accomplishment.
* Stand at the front door and try to look at your house with a stranger's eyes. Do you want to move some things around? Have you been thinking about shuffling the furniture, pictures, knick-knacks? If you're the kind of person that does change their interior styling each season, this weekend is a good time to change the cushion covers and get out your winter throws for the lounge.
* Go through your wardrobe and anything you haven't worn in a year, give to charity. Don't just pile the clothes in the corner and forget about them like I do. Get a plastic bag, then when it's full put it in the boot of your car. Next time you're near a charity clothing bin, drop it in.
* Get out that DVD you borrowed from a friend ages ago and watch it. Even better, curl up with that bowl of soup and your throw rug and make it a movie afternoon.
* Read blogs! I never get time to read the blogs I follow properly, so I'll be using this weekend to catch up on what's going on with all my fave bloggers. LEAVE COMMENTS. After all, you're not in a hurry, it's the weekend!
And now I'm going to take some of my own advice and start on that last idea.
What are you up to this weekend?
My new drafty thing for authors
1 day ago
I love rainy days! Less so for the fact that the kids and dog start to go a little stir crazy, but they are perfect for forcing us to slow down and enjoy life a little.