This morning it was the Guide Dogs. AND THE GUIDE DOG PUPPIES WERE THERE JUST SITTING AND BEING SO CUTE AND OBEDIENT. People were throwing money.
On Fridays, it’s always the Salvos – both at my local train station and where I get off.
Other times it’s World Vision, Unicef, Doctors Without Borders. Amnesty. RSPCA. WWF. The Starlight Foundation, Red Cross or a local radio station hospital appeal.
On ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day it’s the treat of Defense Force guys in uniform (woot woot!).
And then there’s the special charity days. Bandana Day. Daffodil Day. Pajama Day. Pink Ribbon Day. White Ribbon Day. Teal Ribbon Day. Red Nose Day. World’s Greatest Shave. Cupcake Day (personal favourite because it involves food).
And so we come to the fundraising MONTHS. Febfast. Dry July. Octsober. Movember...
Online, on TV and on the radio, other charities are jostling for my attention via ads and social media. There are wonderful, worthy causes to support such as Buy A Bale to help our struggling farmers (which I really, really which I could give to!).
I’m not saying these charities and fundraising activities are bad or annoying things. They are not. They are great things.
My problem is I can’t give money to them all. I often don’t have money to buy myself a Coke, let alone throw a few bucks in the tin.
And so I don’t give money to any of them. I’m sorry. I intend to give when I have some to spare, but for now, I will continue to suppress my irritation at always, every single day, having someone with their hand out to me, asking for a donation. Because where else are they going to get it, if not from the public?
Do you give to charities? Do you give when asked or prefer to do it privately?
My new drafty thing for authors
1 day ago
I don't mind giving a bit of cash here and there to charities if I can but they all seem to want you to hand over your credit card and sign up to a regular monthly payment these days. Can't do that, unfortunately. I'll buy a pen or flower for Daffodil Day or something like that instead.
ReplyDeleteIt is such a difficult thing to do to turn down a charity (I sometimes feel like I have a heart of stone) but yes, being asked to make an ongoing financial commitment can be a whole new level of daunting!
DeleteI reckon most people give what they can, when they can.
I prefer to donate online if it's a charity I support. Or I do things like buy dog food for my local animal shelter. But I just can't stand being harassed on the city streets every day. It's a bit harsh, but I don't really care if it's the best charity in the world, I find it's rude to be interrupted when I'm talking to someone else or have someone's hand thrust in my face to shake. I am very over them all! I know it must be hard to fundraise these days, but annoying the public doesn't seem like the best way to do it to me. I wish I had an option to suggest instead.
ReplyDeleteI prefer to donate online to a specific appeal, eg. natural disaster. You totally get what I mean about being harassed in the street EVERY DAY. It's not a great way to collect money, but I guess it must work, or they wouldn't do it?
DeleteI'll donate to specific things, but always through a reputable donation source. I've seen too many scams with people putting out cans for coins where the money doesn't go to that source. Currently, I donate to the scholarship fund at the high school where I work, my local NPR radio station (it's listener funded, and you get a membership discount card to use at local restaurants), and I'm always cleaning and taking donations to Salvation Army or Rescue Mission every few months. If there's a big national disaster I'll donate to that, and occasionally Feeding America. I know there's a lot of strife in the world, but I see enough people around here that need help so I try to stay somewhat in the local community where I can see my donation actually being put to use.
ReplyDeleteAh yes, the scams. Always a worry, especially when I think back to high school and we used to doorknock for charity, and my less-than-honest friends would sometimes pocket some of the money! I love that you donate to NPR, that's an awesome thing you have over there. I agree with your help local attitude, but yes sometimes you have to contribute to global outcomes as well :)