Thursday, June 30, 2011
Paying the price
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Car vs Train
Monday, June 20, 2011
Good stuff
Just lately, we have been feeling that there's a lot of "good stuff" going on in our lives. It's a really nice way to feel too, as my partner and I have been through some tough times over the past few years.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Happy Moments
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Couponing: Oz Style update

This week is my second week of being a novice couponer. This morning I sat down with the week's junk mail and went through it all. I mean REALLY looked at what is being sold and the prices. I am focusing solely on groceries at the moment as this is the area where I feel our household can really save some dough.
- If we don't eat it, don't buy it, even if it's on special (duh)
- If it's a bargain, buy at least two
- Check the free in-store magazines for coupons (I was so excited to find my first coupons last week!)
- Use your loyalty card to get points (FlyBuys at Coles, Everyday Rewards at Woolworths)
- If you can get it at Aldi cheaper, only buy it if it tastes ok (always a hit-and-miss situation)
- $6 for a 780g jar of Kraft Peanut Butter (got 2 because we burn through it like nothing on earth).
- $3.49 for 1kg Sard Oxy Plus stain remover (the equivalent in Napi-San brand is about $7 I believe)
- $1.29 for Crumpets (50% off)
- $1.49 for Doritos (50% off)
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Rods, Rock 'n' Roll
It was such a great afternoon. We ate hot chips, drank hot chocolate and C even ended up winning a fuel voucher from a survey he did about motorcycle safety!
C is a great person to go to car shows with. He knows all the cars and explains to me which ones are cool. Also which ones are famous from movies and music videos. Like the '33 Ford coupe that is so recognisable as ZZ Top's 'Eliminator'. Or a blown '57 Chevy exactly like that in the movie 'Running on Empty'.
I determined that the 30s is definitely my fave car era. I just love everything about the shape.
Although I'm not a huge car girl, I was really impressed by the amount of time and effort these folks put into their machines.
After a soft-serve ice cream, we eventually called it a day.
What's your favourite retro or vintage car?
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Extreme Couponing: Oz style
One of my twitter friends, Grosby, sometimes tweets about Extreme Couponing, a show in the US about people who “clip coupons”. I don't think there's an Australian equivalent, mainly because we don't get catalogues ("inserts”) with many discount vouchers on them for things like groceries or staples. But there are some great ways to get bargains by watching the specials and buying in bulk when good deals are available.
How do I know? Because I was so fascinated I ended up researching it. My first port of call was the Extreme Couponing website, to watch some clips of the show as it is not showing on cable TV here yet. It was here I learnt the truth of someone else's remark that Extreme Couponers are actually hoarders with an excuse. I mean, some of folks have built special rooms in their house to hold the bargains that they had picked up. Some even do it just to give thousands of dollars worth of goods away to charity.
Then I hit youtube and found people like “Coupon Queen” Jill Cataldo and The Krazy Coupon Lady, Heather Wheeler. And I can tell you, I was mesmerised. Some of these couponers (and it's not just the ladies, folks) even Dumpster Dive to find coupons that have been thrown away.
Well, I have been INSPIRED. I usually throw away my junk mail because I shop at Aldi, and up until now really believe that this is the best way to save me money on my groceries. But there are things I just can't get at Aldi, or I don't like their version. Baked beans is an example. Aldi does have an acceptable version, but I'm a Heinz Baked Beans girl from birth. So imagine my happiness this week when a peek at my junk mail reveals a them on sale for $1 per can at Woolworths this week!
This afternoon I spent a good 20mins going through the junk mail and writing down some bargains. I'm going to put the lists in my handbag, so they're in there when I'm at the shop, and not on the counter at home like usual. And I'm going to buy in bulk, because I do actually have the room to do it, even with meat.
I'm a novice though, still learning. I don't keep a folder or binder of vouchers or coupons. Yet. Or carry a filing box in my trolley, which was a strategy I saw that I liked! But I am hitting up bargain-hunter websites like OzBargain and Shop-a-docket. In fact, I'm going to print off a discount voucher for 10-pin bowling right now – that's our next date night taken care of!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Camp Crop-a-lot – Fri 3rd-Sun 5th June – Lake Perseverence
I scrap exclusively using Creative Memories products. C calls it a “cult” but I just think they're the best product! In the interest of full disclosure, yes, I used to be a consultant.
My mother being the one who got me into it, we are quite the scrapbooking pair. We were “roomies” in our cabin and had an absolute blast just enjoying being at camp.
In the mornings we walked down to the dam, and took some amazing post-dawn photos of the mist.
I got a bucketload of work done – I took about 150+ photos to scrap and I think I managed to put about 110 of these on the page. I also finally completed my SE Asia holiday album which was a project that has been dragging on for 12 months, so that was very satisfying!
Thankfully, it was less cold this year, though I was still sleeping in an artic sleeping bag in my flanny PJs!
What's the best camp you've ever been on?
Thursday, June 2, 2011
The High Cost of High Fashion

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Technology – it's the wave of the future

Technology really does amaze me sometimes. Sure, according to Back to the Future we should be getting flying cars and hover-boards any day now, but the things we do have in our everyday life nowadays is nothing short of cool.
When I look back at my childhood, and think how we had to get up to change the TV channel, it seems so old-fashioned! There were no DVDs or CDs, just VCRs and cassette tapes. I used to make mix-tapes off the radio, and the only shopping from home you could do was from catalogues and the Avon lady. We played computer games on a Commodore 64 that you plugged into the TV set.
Now, I have an iPod, an iPhone, cable tv, a portable DVD player and a Wii. I can watch 100 channels of television programming and pause shows I'm watching. I can even rewind it, and tape stuff without a VCR. I can fit thousands of songs onto my ipod, which barely bigger than a credit card, and my iPhone... well, what can't it do?
My iPhone is my mini computer, telephone, tv, camera and music player. I can do my banking and pay bills with the touch of a finger, text my friends and send them a photo of what I'm doing as well. I can watch TV shows, listen to music, do a thousand helpful and frivolous things and when I'm bored with all that, I can still use it to make phone calls. Truly it is a golden age we live in.
What technology amazes you? And how is it different from when you were younger?