Something very exciting has happened. No, I'm not talking about Lady Gaga's latest music video, it's a movie trailer!
Many years ago I read a book that has become very important to me, namely Karyn Bosnak's "Save Karyn". It was one woman's story about how she realised she was a shopaholic, not being afraid to ask for help and crawling her way out of debt to a better life. I still re-read it from time to time because it reminds me that there's always a way, no matter how desperate things seem to be.
Well, I've followed Karyn's blog, Pretty in the City, for many years now and so when she broke the news her second book, "20 Times a Lady" was going to be made into a movie, I clapped and whooped.
Today the trailer premiered... and it's bloody funny. So many familiar faces too. I heart Martin Freeman, by the way.
Check it out - it's now named "What's Your Number?"
My new drafty thing for authors
1 day ago
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