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This afternoon my other half and I were driving home from a spontaneous hot-chip lunch at Redcliffe. It being PM, and me being me, my thoughts were already turning towards what we would be having for dinner.
I moaned about how I never know what we're going to be eating more than a day in advance and secondly how I never seem to be able to keep the fridge, freezer and pantry stocked with appropriate ingredients.
I wondered aloud if there was some app that could turn me into a meal planning diva. I have already tried kikki.K's lovely paper planner with limited success.
C suggested we do what his parents used to do: every night gets designated a meal. Seven days, seven meals and we always know what we're having. He pointed out Friday night was already Pizza Night, so that meant just six other evening meals to pick and assign.
I had concerns this would get a bit boring, but he pointed out that The Plan isn't set in stone. He also pointed out if I write it down and pin up The Plan behind the pantry door, he'll know if he has to get meat out of the freezer in the afternoon before I get home.
So, having no other good suggestions or ideas myself, I agreed. The Plan starts on Sunday, which gives me a night and a day to put it together. To keep it varied, I'm going to try to keep it generic, eg. Monday night is Pasta Night. This could entail simple pasta sauce dumped on penne, a pasta bake or even spag bog.
I'm really looking forward to seeing if this works. Wish us luck!
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