I am forever mentally repainting my house, acquiring amazing thrifted finds, redecorating to incorporate French Provincial furniture, growing my own vegetables and baking shop-quality cupcakes. I long for an all-white house with a clawfoot bathtub and lemons on the kitchen counter. Until then I have my little brick place in the suburbs and focus on trying to find adequate storage space for the masses of stuff that we seem to hoard.
My upbringing was rural and my parents still live on the farm where I was brought up. I went University of Southern Queensland because Brisbane scared me, and I cannot clearly recall what I did in my four years there. I have a degree in Arts majoring in Anthropology and a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Finance. By the end of my uni career it was the anthro and history subjects keeping me from going insane, and the one thing I knew was that I hated finance and the world of commerce with a passion. Ironic that currently I work in Accounts Receivable, no?

I adore traveling. My favorite city in the world is Paris, which surprised me as I never had any expectations of it and considered it to be over-romanticized. I want to take my mother to Provence one day. My second favorite city is Bangkok, having fallen in love with the chaos and smell on a trip of South East Asia when younger. I want to take my partner there one day.
I love books of all kinds, movies that make me laugh or think and music that makes me want to dance. I used to spend an hour in the bath every night reading and I frequently don’t hear you if you speak to me if I have my nose in a book. I’m prone to singing to myself, cooking the same recipes over and over for dinner, reading about interior design and organization (but never implementing any ideas) and losing hours to the internet. I love social media!
My main hobby besides the aforementioned internet trawling, eating, reading and small-screen watching is scrapbooking. I also love opshopping and can spend many a happy hour trawling through the racks.
In the future I want simple things that perhaps won’t turn out to be so simple: a baby (or two), renovations, travel with my partner.
I don't have a media kit. Please don't ask me what my UPVs are because I don't know! If you're interested in working with me, drop me an email!
If you want babies make sure you travel first. Go visit my sister, she'll tell you how much work that niece of mine can be :)