To celebrate my birthday, C offered to take me out for a meal, where-ever I wished. I chose lunch at Mt Glorious Restaurant and Cafe. The idea was, we could enjoy the gorgeous view whilst having a lovely meal. Reality didn't quite turn out as planned.
First, it rained. A lot. When the rain stopped for a bit, the mountain was still shrouded in cloud and the view over the valley wasn't QUITE what I'd hoped. Oh well.
Here's some photos - spooky huh?

When we got to the restaurant, first the service was a tad slow. Nobody came to take our order for about 5 mins after seating. It was in those 5 mins that we realised to our horror, that neither of us liked a damn thing that was on the menu. I have NEVER had that happen before. Not ONE SINGLE THING looked appetising. I'm going to call it "posh food" but you can interpret it how you like - C and I are quite fussy and neither of us eats things like seafood, spinach, pumpkin, mushrooms... and it seemed the entire menu was made up of just those things we both hate! So when nobody came to take our order, we decided to just leave.
Was it rude? Probably, since I'd booked the table and everything. We could have told the staff we had changed our plans before leaving, yes, but there was no staff even around to tell. But at the end of the day, I didn't have to pay $28 for a lunch I probably wouldn't like. Yes, that was how expensive the meals were.
We ended up going up the road to Mialiala diner. It's a great hangout and we've had breakfast there before. It's very popular with motorbike riders that love the mountain roads on the weekend, and the food is very good. We managed to get a seat inside (though it had stopped raining it looked like it would start again at any time) and I ordered a steak burger and chips, while C got lasagne and salad. And boy oh boy, was it good. My chips must have been fried in an oil made from sunshine and raindrops from a unicorn's mane because they were FANTASTIC.

So in the end it worked out. I didn't care that I wasn't having a fancy meal for my birthday, because sometimes, simple is better. I'm having a party with friends and family next week, but from the forecast it looks like it will be miserably wet and raining. For a change. Bah!
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