I am the girl who:
- feels the cold and has too many scarves
- wears glasses even though she could have contacts
- has frizzy, curly, thick hair which does not confirm or behave
- thought she would be single forever and was amazed to be proven wrong
- goes through obsessive phases; vintage china, scarves, dystopian fiction, Coke Zero, nail polish
- cannot keep her house clean and tidy, despite best efforts
- has bad feet and will probably never wear pretty shoes again
- is finding grey hairs and is in denial about it
- still goes to the library and reads books every day
- used to go on holidays overseas by herself, and wonders where that fearlessness and thirst for adventure has gone
- cannot picture life without tv or Internet
- loves cooking shows but cannot cook
- hates all things finance, yet works in accounts
- loves the simple things; sleep-ins, warm patches of sun on a cold day, two squares of chocolate, a hint of perfume in a crowd, the sound of the ocean
What makes you, you?