
Thursday, July 16, 2015

B is for Bath - A-Z Travel Guide Linkup

I can't describe how excited I was to visit Bath. After a steady diet of Jane Austen in my formative years, of course I yearned to walk the streets of the place where her characters and she herself spent so much time.

The Pump Room! Where the Georgians went every day to "take the waters". The signs seemed magical to me, like books brought to life - but of course Austen was writing from life experience after all. 

The Pump Room is just one of many wonderful sights to see in Bath. Starting at the bottom of the hill there is the Baths themselves (interesting tour) and the Cathedral (many famous people buried there, and beautiful in its own right). 

Further up the slope is the Jane Austen Museum (spent a lovely time there!) and the Assembly Rooms, location of so much of the drama in Northanger Abbey. 

At the top of the hill is the Royal Crescent - one of the most beautiful examples of residential architecture you will ever see. I couldn't help but imagine the carriages coming and going and the people promenading in the afternoon in Austen's time. 

On my way back down I discovered paths through gardens and woods. How delightful! And then I stumbled across the very spot where Captain Wentworth caught up with Anne Elliot, I'm sure of it...

If it wasn't for the awful backpackers hostel I was in, Bath would have been 100% perfect. Even non-Austen fans would love its gorgeous sandstone buildings and deep history. 


  1. Oooh - I love Bath! I've visited a couple of times and we were lucky to have a home exchange there for a week, a few years ago. I love the angels climbing the ladders to heaven on the outside of the cathedral. Thanks for the memories and for being the first one in this month!

    1. You're quite welcome! I would go back there in a heartbeat, so much to see beyond the old town itself!

  2. Lovely photo, before I scrolled and read I was thinking about Persuasion, Austen fan here! :)

    1. Thanks! It's so easy to imagine yourself as part of the "action" there :)

  3. ooh yes we love Bath. Years ago, I saw a Georgian serving spoon in a shop window there for 10 pounds; I didn't buy it and have regretted it ever since. And I have bad memories of searching to find a B&B, then whacking my head against a beam in the ceiling and nearly knocking myself out. But still- we loved Bath.:)

    1. Ah, shopping regret! It's funny the things you remember isn't it? Such a lovely town despite any travelling mishaps :)

  4. never been to Bath - one day!

  5. I have never been to Bath, but have heard heaps about! I love learning new things by exploring and discovering while traveling! Glad we are connected through Fiona's new travel series!

    1. I feel the same way, it's often the unexpected lucky discoveries that leave the biggest impressions! Thanks, will check out your blog!

  6. I like the sound of walking through woods....something a little different from the Australian bush here :)
