
Monday, July 7, 2014

I could never live in Canada

Not that there's anything wrong with Canada. Land of sexy Mounties and yummy maple syrup, I'm sure it's great. But not for me - I couldn't stand the cold.

After a few decidedly chilly mornings last week it was with relief this AM that I actually took off my winter coat upon arriving at the train station. Not needed, huzzah!

No woolen scarf or gloves required either. When they are deployed, I know I'm too cold. 

It's ironic really, because I was brought up in one of the coldest places in Qld. Winter mornings were regularly below zero and we often walked the kilometer to the bus stop against what could only be described as Arctic winds. We put our clothes on or next to the wood heater to warm them before dressing. Sometimes the pipes froze. 

It was a few weeks in South East Asia's heat and humidity and returning to a Darling Downs winter that influenced my decision to move to Brisbane, and my family now teases me about being completely acclimatized. 

I don't care. Three or four truly cold days a year is an ok price to pay for "Beautiful One Day Perfect The Next" weather for the rest. 

Do you love or loathe the cold? Has weather influenced where you live?


  1. Oh Sarah, I LOVE the cold. I must confess though, I also live in Queensland, so.... But I have lived in Canberra and it was pretty chilly. I'm not sure how I'd cope in constant snow or the like, but I really dislike summer and the heat (particularly the humidity!).

    1. Ah I hear Canberra is pretty darn cold! The humidity can be a killer, I do agree with you on that. Each to their own I guess :)

  2. I dislike cold weather because it dries me out like a prune. Even my eyelids peel! I tagged you in my post Sarah!

    1. You know I have never had a big issue with this before but this winter is terrible! I'm moisturising my hands multiple times a day! Not affecting my eyeballs yet though, you poor thing!
      Thanks for tagging me too :)

  3. I have been reliably told by a Canadian that you can actually be colder in southeast Queensland than Canada. It's because our houses (particularly Queenslanders) are very draughty, whereas everywhere in Canada is heated.

    Of course, you can die if you go outside in Canada - but why would you when you can lounge around inside in your summer PJs?

    1. I hadn't thought of that - of course the same as houses in hot countries are designed to catch the breeze, houses/shopping malls/buildings in cold countries are much better insulated and heated than here!
      And yes, I'd never leave the house if you could be comfortable inside with summer clothes :)

  4. As Ed said, I heard a Canadian say the coldest he's ever been in his life is in Australia - I guess it's because we don't have central heating everywhere as they do in truly cold places...

    I was whingeing about global warming as we had the warmest Autumn on record and now winter has hit and it's cold, I'm whingeing about that! :)

    1. This is a good point - we just don't build our buildings to cater for the low temperatures I guess! I love a whinge about the weather whatever it's doing really :)

  5. I've been colder in Australia than in Canada when inside (outside - whole different ballgame!). As others have said, our houses are not equipped for cold weather. Thankfully my current house has central heating, even if it is rarely turned on.

    1. Lucky you! I find that heating our house is very easy with insulation - can get expensive though! It's the going outside part I find hard :p

  6. I love the cold! Canada would suit me just fine.

    1. Ah you would also love Canberra and Tasmania here then I'm guessing? :p

  7. Oh I remember arctic wind chill in Canada....COLD! But the houses here really don't help.

    1. No central heating or good insulation for the houses here for the most part I guess!

  8. I can't believe how cold it gets in Canada. I feel like you shouldn't even be allowed outside in such temps! I am a QLD girl through and through. Love the warm weather!

    1. Twins! I'd probably die in sub-Artic temps. Literally just curl up and give up!

  9. I hear you! And yes I could never live in a cold place again. Lived in one of the coldest places in NZ for 3 years, a high of 3 in winter... and then lived in NY in early 20s. I've done my dash with cold - now I live in the Gold Coast - YAY! Thanks for linking :)

    1. Oh wow that is cold!! I once considered Wellington as a place to live then realised I'd never survive the winters! Love the warm Goldie, lucky you :)
