
Monday, May 12, 2014

How Twitter Lists Have Changed My Life

It's a big call, but I'm making it. Twitter lists have changed my life by making my social media time more efficient and interesting. 

I did not expect this small change to have such a positive effect on my life. Sure, I'd made lists before, but it was not until Sochi that I realized how darn useful they could be. Once set up with the right people (mainly sports journos); with the tap of a button I could filter my massive twitter feed with just the Winter Olympics news I wanted. 

After a blog chat a few months ago, I decided to focus on sharing fellow blogger's content from within my niche. I hoped my followers would like the improved content curation of my twitter feed. So I created a new list just made up of bloggers.  First thing in the morning I can check my list and see that morning's blog posts being flogged and any other interesting updates- all without the background noise and unending scrolling required when viewing everyone I follow. 

I save oodles of time and I also now get to see more of what each person is sharing throughout the day when I'm at work, because it's also the first thing I check when I get on the train to head home. If I only have a short amount of time I also have an "Essential reads" list of people/news outlets that gives me a quick snapshot of what's happening at any given time. 

I also now am able to read what my overseas tweeps are posting when I'm asleep, through my UK people list. Previously I would only have the patience to scroll back an hour or two in the mornings, but now I see most of what has been happening overnight. 

Yes, I do still read my whole feed - but only small chunks at a time. Lists have given me a more comprehensive view of what the people I follow are posting, and it's totally customizable for my needs. By creating lists of twitter accounts based on type of content (eg bloggers) or geographic location (another hemisphere) I save time and get to see a lot more varied tweets. 

Do you use twitter lists? What for? Do they save you time and trouble?


  1. couldn't have said it better myself. I love twitter lists. I have three that nearly everyone I like fits into - Foodies, health and interesting tweeps (used to be Brisbane but too many people moved!)

    1. They are just so useful! I need to start a Brisbane one but of businesses/organisations I think, because I like to know what's going on about the place :)

  2. You kow..... I've never ever thought about using it like this. Obviously not very switched on here :P infact, I never quite got how they could be used! Thank you!!!

    1. You're welcome! Having only just discovered how to use them productively recently, I'm feeling the same!

  3. This is the best idea EVER. I have been meaning to create lists for so long. I need to get on it!

    1. I'm so glad you think so! A well-curated list is a fabulous time-saver I have found :) AND you can subscribe to other people's lists if they're public - very handy!

  4. I've really gone off twitter since finding IG, but I need to get back on there and use it more to network and connect with the cool peeps that I've met (and continue to meet) - thanks for this idea, I'm going to give it a try! (I especially like the idea of sharing what I read!)

  5. Absolutely! It's the most efficient way to use Twitter.
