
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Blogging and the self

I had a manager once who was a big advocate of journaling. Not just personal diarising, but writing about your professional life. She believed it helped relieve stress, organize your thoughts and aided problem solving. She also used to tell me that it was a great way to find out more about yourself. 

I think she was right. The more I blog, the more insight I gain into the type of person that I am. When I read things I have written, things about my personality become clearer - what is important to me, what I believe in, things I'm passionate about. 

Recently, I learned that there is a blogging conference happening next year that is taking place on a cruise ship. My heart leapt. Two of my favorite things! Blogging and big ships! But then I realized there is no real way I could afford to go, unless I got a sponsor, or earned enough from this blog to pay for it. 
I briefly toyed with the idea of monetizing this blog but after googling a bit I quickly lost interest. There's a reason you don't see any advertising or sponsored posts on here. It's because I'm fundamentally lazy. I don't even keep an editorial calendar (I've heard that's a thing) - how could I organize myself enough to attract advertisers or put brand pitches together? Ha ha. I just don't have enough interest in it to make much of effort. A bit like my relationship with housework actually. 
That doesn't mean I couldn't. Money IS a pretty good motivator. And it doesn't mean I'm not going to monetize or open up the blog for paid content in future. It just means I've learnt enough about myself through blogging the last few years to realize I'm no go-getter. I'm a Slow Blogger. 
I'll continue to write a about things if and when the feeling grabs me. Because that's how I roll... For now, anyway!
Has your writing helped you gain insight about yourself?


  1. Aww man. It would be super cool if you could have made it to the conference too (would have been really awesome to hang out on a ship!). But yeah... expensive.
    I did hear about some people in previous years who approached companies and some said yes! May be worth a shot, even if you've never done it before... but I know it's a big jump.
    Anyway, I agree about the journaling stuff. I wish I could do it more but I'm just not feeling it.

    1. Late reply, sorry :/ Approaching brands for sponsorship is something I have briefly thought of, but honestly I just can't see myself doing it... I'm not very good at putting myself forward, AND I have no idea what my blog stats are, and don't have a media kit to present. But thanks for the encouragement! Perhaps in the new year I will get more motivated to do it?
      Hope you can find your writing/journalling mojo soon x

  2. No harm in asking for sponsorship! And I think journaling in whatever form is a very useful activity - my blog tends to be my personal journal these days but even at the day job I keep notebooks full of notes - writer and anthropology habit haha. I actually had a subject at uni where I got assessed for an entire semester on an academic/field journal.

    1. Late reply! Asking for sponsorship, as you know, is something that I am more likely to think about than do. I've seen other bloggers do it for conferences, might go read some of their self-promo posts.
      That subject at uni sounds daunting! Though to a writer probably not that hard :p
