
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The pleasure of food

I never understood "foodies" and their boundless enthusiasm for food. Still don't. Sure, I enjoy food and I get as much pleasure out of eating peanut butter out of the jar as the next person. But I don't go into paroxyms of delight over fancy restaurants and their menus of food I've never heard of. I don't fangirl on chefs (except tv ones).

But cooking... ah cooking is different. I didn't get some people's passion for cooking until I got older. The only subject I didn't do well in at high school was Home Economics. In fact, if my friend didn't save my meringue or jam every time I probably would have failed.

Fast forward to the last few years, to when I've become a homemaker. At first, cooking was a chore. Then it was occasionally diverting. Then I discovered tv cooks and actually got interested in recipes and cooking. I totally missed the beginning of the Jamie Oliver bandwagon (remember The Naked Chef? I was all PFFFT WHATEVS at the time) but now I'm firmly on it. Nigella is a bit of an idol. Hugh from River Cottage inspires me.

This week, I've been having a shit time at work. Well, let's be honest, it's been a stressful month. Monday night I came home and made a Nigella recipe I've never done before (Pea and Pancetta from Nigellissima). Tuesday night I challenged myself to do a Jamie 15 Min Meal for the first time (Grilled Steak, ratatouille and saffron rice).

And heck if I didn't enjoy it. Get pleasure out of it. The creation of the food felt joyous. The eating part was good too. It was a great stress-buster.

Tonight was a bit of a fail because I came home and had a drink then didn't feel like cooking. But maybe two awesome meals is enough for this week.

Oh and I'm totally saving my pennies for Save with Jamie. Why? It combines two things I'm passionate about at the moment - frugality and lessening food waste! 

Do you love cooking? Baking? Why? Tell me I want to know.


  1. I LOVE cooking when I get around to doing it. When I wasn't working I cooked all the time, even gave baking a shot {which I sucked at!}. I hear you loud and clear on that one.

    1. On the weekends I like to have a crack at baking. It's nearly always a disaster but I keep trying! :p

  2. Hi Sarah, Well I actually did fail Domestic Science. With five kids I was forced to teach myself to cook but I detest it and am thinking of phasing it out now they're older. I just haven't figured out how to break the news to them yet :)

    1. Feeding five kids! That's gotta be hard even if you did like cooking! What an achievement :) I suggest a gradual roll-out, perhaps an opportunity to identify one or two that might want to take over?

  3. I love Nigella, even though so many people seem to dislike her. She cooks real food, not fancy stuff, and she always seems to have so much fun doing it.

    1. I do not understand how anyone could dislike Nigella! She's just lovely and yes, always makes real food, her love of it shines through.

  4. I love to cook, especially since I found the super fresh veggies at my local corner store!

    1. I need to get better fruit and veges. I'm so goddam lazy I'm still getting them at Aldi most weeks. you have inspired me!

  5. My love of cooking definitely comes from my desire to eat well. But I have to say I only enjoy it when there is time and space to feel relaxed about it. If I had to provide three wholesome meals a day to myself and others, I would most likely hate it. I treat my cooking as a hobby and I mainly get into it when I am feeling inspired.

    1. That's the best philosophy I've heard! You can't force it when the love isn't there, and for me too the love isn't there every single meal :p The luxury of time and space to do it is sometimes a rare thing!

  6. Replies
    1. I think most people who love to cook love having enthusiastic eaters! That sounds like you! :)
