
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Behind the eightball

I woke up this morning, stumbled into the kitchen, took one look at the mess and started making pancakes. 

Chores in my household are a bit behind at present - life has gotten in the way the past week or so. 

In between building the new shed, having a houseguest, a family emergency (impromptu trip to the farm) and two days of Problogger Training Event, I guess we have an excuse. 

As I attempted to wash up the mountain of dirty dishes, I shared a bit of a lightbulb moment with my hubby; that instead of focusing on the things that haven't been done, I should take stock of what HAS been achieved. 

Our massive dream shed is over halfway up. We were blessed that my mum was not injured badly in her accident. And I spent two days just learning about blogging, which was a great investment in myself. So what if the washing wasn't done?

What have you achieved this week?


  1. It would have been cool to go to the pro-blogger thing I think (after a bit of thought), well, to be honest... I imagine some of it may have irritated me and some of it may have inspired me. BUT it would have been cool to meet you!
    As for what I have achieved... well, doesn't feel like much lately. Think it's the winter blues. Can't wait for warmer days. xx

    1. It would have been cool! Perhaps another event in the future? I am now cured of my meeting-bloggers shyness.
      I do think that some sessions suited some people better than others - for me, some were uninteresting, others I didn't go to may have been better choices, but hey - I got a lot out of the sessions I did love! Totally worth the ticket price.
      I am hanging out for the warmer weather too - bring on the sun!

  2. I've not achieved much at all BUT I've been out 4 nights and 2 days so had a ton of fun!!!

    1. That's an achievement of sorts! Fun times and good friends = shiny life moments :)

  3. Blogging is an achievement for me some days, even though I always love it.

  4. I have bought a container of Gumption and some floor wipes so that's what I've achieved this week. Haven't used them yet but the intention is the important thing huh?

    1. Absolutely. Give yourself a gold star :) Gumption is the bomb, only thing that will clean my bloody white sink, curse its soul.
