Yesterday, feeling a bit sluggish, lethargic and frankly bored, I struck on the fantastic idea of walking across the river on my lunch break. Now, the weather in Brisbane has been FANTASTIC the past few days, (apart from a bit of smoky haze from pre-bushfire season back burning) so I was looking forward to getting some Vitamin D onto my skin from the sun.
I knew that there was a pedestrian footbridge built across the river a while ago, but was very vague on where it was. Google Maps to the rescue! I figured out it began at Tank St and goes across to GOMA. It’s called the Kurilpa Bridge and turns out it’s just two blocks from my work.
I took a few photos as I went, as I rarely get a chance to see Brisbane from the middle of the river. I only had half an hour, so regretfully I had to turn around at the GOMA end and hot-foot it back to the office. But I think this is something I might indulge in once a week when the weather’s good!
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