
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Moments

Image: mine

My happy moments for this week:

- Hearing about my mum's experience singing at the Sydney Opera House with Chorus Oz. Amazing that she gets to do that.

- Answering truthfully to several people who asked that yes, I am enjoying my new job. It's much better than my old one and I'm so much less stressed!

- Having a girl's night out to see Bridesmaids. I laughed, I hooted embarrassingly, I loved it. What a great movie - I loved the themes about female competitiveness and friendship.

- Catching up with our friends for pizza on Friday night. A simple thing but so much fun, and we never run out of things to talk about.

- Actually getting some housework done. Because I haven't been away the past two weekends I've been able to maintain a level of orderliness that fills me with satisfaction!



  1. I really want to see Bridemaids!

    Would you like to come and do my housework too? Oh that'd definitely make my happy moments next week!

    Carly <3

  2. Bwahahaha! Never shall I do another's housework! Sorry :p Just company policy ;)
    Bridesmaids is gross in some parts but I thought it was side-splittingly hilarious!
